
Please give us the item reference numbers and quantity that you ordered but not received. We will check with our warehouse what went wrong. When validated, we’ll send you a credit note and resend the product.
Please provide pictures of all items, item reference numbers and quantity. Please also specify if the packaging was also damaged, this in order to check if the damage was caused by transport, so we can inform our logistics dept. When validated, we will provide you a credit note and you may dispose the products, no return is needed.
Please provide pictures of all items, item reference numbers and quantity. Please also specify what the exact problem is. We will investigate with our product development team. We might ask you to return the goods, so do not dispose and repack the goods properly. Our customer service team will contact you for a pick up with our carrier. As soon as the goods arrive back in our warehouse you will be send a credit note when validated.
Please check if there was another ship to party mentioned on the label of your packaging or delivery slip in the packaging. Our customer service team will arrange a pick up with our carrier and resend the correct items.

Please add pictures here

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Who do we contact for more information


We are very sorry something went wrong with your delivery. Please let us know how we can help you. We kindly ask you to fill out the following form within 8 days after your delivery. We will come back to you shortly to help you.